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10 Commandments For Mutual Fund Investors

We live in a dynamic, evolving, uncertain world. The investment landscape is too constantly changing with uncertainty being omnipresent. The wisdom to know what to do and how to act in the face of this uncertainty will decide who and what will succeed or fail. This is the reason we must time and again go back to the fundamentals of investing, especially equity investing. Presented here as commandments, these are the ground rules and behaviour which suggest specific actions to pursue or avoid. The 10 commandments distil the collective wisdom of investment gurus and are timeless in their relevance and importance, and we need to remember it from time to time. In an uncertain investing world, the below ten commandments can help you navigate and find success as an investor. You Shall Avoid Emotional Investing “If you can’t control your emotions, you can’t control your money.” - Warren Buffett. This is the most important commandment and hence the first on the list. Without separating emotion
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